BEAT THE WEEK News Quiz: Warm Weather, Fiery Debates And Hot Dresses

BEAT THE WEEK: Take Our News Quiz

The hot weather has raised everyone's temperature this week, what with Gywneth Paltrow wowing everyone in a revealing dress, Lelo releasing a super extravagant sex toy, and Nasa's Rover drawing something rather rude.

It's been hotting up in Westminster too, after Margaret Hodge said MPs were spending "too long in recess", Theresa May continuing her never-ending battle to deport Abu Qatada and the newspapers rejecting the government's 'ministry of truth' press regulation plans.

There were plenty of wild, weird and downright unbelievable stories this week. Did you catch them all or were you topping up your tan? Try your hand at Huff Post UK's News Quiz and see if you can 'beat the week.'


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