Hampshire Police Wear Bright Pink Flip Flops As Temperatures Hit 19C (PICTURES)

Cops In Flip Flops

A police officer and a PCSO were spotted making the most of the warm weather as they donned bright pink flip-flops to walk their beat.

Sergeant Richard Holland and PCSO Rebecca Williams teamed the bizarre footwear with their usual uniforms as temperatures soared to 19C on Thursday.

The officers - from Hampshire Constabulary - exposed their toes as they walked around Winchester, Hampshire.

It's a fair cop: Pink flip flops

One surprised on-looker told Solent News: "I can appreciate the police want to keep cool in this hot weather but flip-flops are a bit casual and impractical.

"They would struggle to keep up with a criminal during a chase, and yobs are likely to laugh at male officers wearing girly pink."

The police were showing their force's support for the Winchester Street Pastors, who offer help to drunken revellers on nights out.

The Pastors - known informally as the "flip-flop and lollipop brigade" - give the flat footwear to girls struggling to get home in high heels.

Lollipops are thought to reduce the noise made by crowds leaving clubs, as they are too busy sucking to talk and shout.

A Hampshire Constabulary spokesperson said: "Our officers tried the flip flops on for size but will be sticking to their trusty boots for patrols."


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