TOWIE's Kirk Norcross Naked In Explicit Leaked Pictures Showing Him Performing Sex Act

TOWIE's Kirk In Naked Picture Scandal

Kirk Norcross has been left red faced after pictures of him performing a sex act on Skype were leaked.

The former 'TOWIE' star was caught with his trousers down as he enjoyed a steamy webcam session with an unidentified female on the internet chat service.

It isn't quite clear how the pictures managed to leak, but Kirk - who has admitted to bedding over 1,000 women - was quick to issue an apology after the saucy snaps went viral on Twitter.

"F*******k!!!! People these days!!!! Cooooome oooonnn guys we have all done it I'm just the stupid one that got caught! Sorry guys :-(, " he tweeted.

It was only back in March that Kirk tweeted that he had just downloaded Skype and was trying to figure out how it worked.

Kirk - who has just released his autobiography, 'Essex Boy: My Story' - recently told The Sun he "didn't care" if people saw him naked.

"I'm not worried about anyone leaking pictures. It's just you, isn't it?" he said.

"Why would I send them if I didn't want people to see? Everyone's got boobs, penises, legs, arms... It's not like someone's going to look at it and say 'What is that?'"


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