Da Vinci code author Dan Brown is set to release his latest blockbuster in the next 24 hours, with eager readers already salivating at the chance to quench their thirst for code-cracking visions of hell in the new book 'Inferno.'
The book will take readers on "a journey deep into [the] mysterious realm" of Dante's Inferno in Florence", according to the author who added that the 12th century work "had had enormous influence on the Christian view of hell," in an interview with the Sunday Times.
Connecting his book with religious ideas will no doubt stir up controversy in the Christian world.

Dan Brown and Richard Dawkins have both annoyed the Christian world
The author's self-confessed "blending of fact and fiction" in his pseudo-religious tomes have prompted condemnation from Holy Leaders in the past, with the Vatican banning the film producers of Angels & Demons from entering the Holy See and any church in Rome.
At the time the movie was released Father Fibbi said: "Angels and Demons peddles a type of fantasy that damages our common religious beliefs, just like The Da Vinci Code did."
When the Da Vinci Code movie came out, the Vatican's secretary of state was similarly outspoken, with Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone calling for a boycott and spouting: "The book and the film are a pot pourri of nonsense, a phantasmagorical cocktail of inventions."
Yes, Dan Brown is a not beloved by the Catholic church, perhaps almost as unpopular as professional atheist Richard Dawkins.
So can you tell fiction writer Brown from Dawkins, the self-confessed champion of facts, figures and reason?