'After Earth' is the latest Will Smith blockbuster to hit the screen - M. Night Shyamalan's ambitious adaptation of the book 'Perfect Beast', by Michael Jan Friedman.

Will Smith is Cypher Raige in 'After Earth'
Too many times, great book-lovers have despaired when their favourite tome has received the big screen treatment, with the atmos, intention and spirit all being lost, they complain. And then, just to complicate matters, the book of the film suddenly appears on bookshelves, too...

Jaden Smith is Kitai Raige, stranded on Earth, a millennium after events forced humanity's escape
See for yourselves if Shyamalan and Smith have pulled it off with this extract from 'Perfect Beast' corresponding with the clip, called 'Monkey Discovery' above. Is the intention all there? Have they done as you saw in your mind's eye? Let us know...
'After Earth' is in UK cinemas now. Watch the trailer for the whole film below...