Phillip Schofield Jumps To Holly Willoughby's Defence After 'The Voice' Viewers Complain About Revealing Dress She Wore For Final

'God Forbid They Might See A Woman In A Bikini Before 9pm'

Holly Willoughby's 'This Morning' co-host Phillip Schofield has leapt to her defence after some viewers complained about her "unsuitable" choice of a low-cut dress in the final of 'The Voice'.

Phillip Schofield with Holly Willoughby

Schofield tweeted: "139 complaints over Holly's gorgeous Voice dress. Let's hope those outraged on behalf of their kids don't take them to the beach this summer...God forbid they might see a woman in a bikini before 9pm and be traumatised by the sight of her cleavage!"

A BBC spokesman said: "We're sorry if some viewers found Holly's dress to be unsuitable.

"Holly enjoys fashion and we felt the dress she wore for the live final of The Voice UK was glamorous and wholly appropriate for the occasion.

"We don't believe it would have gone against audience expectations for a TV spectacle such as this."

Holly Willoughby in the dress that led to 139 complaints

Meanwhile, the corporation was also forced to explain its choice of controversial comic Russell Brand as a guest on the newspaper review section of 'The Andrew Marr Show'.

Brand, who resigned from his BBC radio show after broadcasting a series of prank calls made to actor Andrew Sachs, appeared on the show at the weekend.

Russell Brand

A BBC spokesman said the review section of the show was "a forum for a range of different people to give their take on the stories in the newspapers".

He said: "Russell Brand, although known to many as a comedian, has been vocal on a number of social and political issues.

"With that in mind, the programme's producers felt that Russell Brand might contribute positively to the discussion, bringing a fresh eye to the stories in the news.

"Several viewers have commented that they appreciated someone outside the usual mould of those chosen to review the papers: others have urged us to stick to the more traditional format.

"We appreciate that he's proved a divisive figure but feel it was worthwhile hearing from him on this occasion."


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