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How Successful Women Relax And Make Time For Themselves (PICTURES)

How Successful Women Relax And Make Time For Themselves
And breathe...
And breathe...

Most of us have our hands full with zipping off to work, looking after the kids, seeing our mates and taking care of the house. And while it's not a game of one-upmanship to see who can do more, there should be one more thing you can squeeze in - being kind to yourself and making sure you're looking after your wellbeing. Alright, make that two.

If your first protestation is "I don't have time", one way of looking at it is that it's a matter of prioritising. Look at your wellbeing as a necessity - it's not like buying shoes. In the same manner that you would definitely have a shower, sleep and eat, taking time to regroup and give yourself space to think is as important as those traditional 'necessities'.

Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post's founder, says: “Basically, success the way we’ve defined it is no longer sustainable. It’s not sustainable for human beings; it’s not sustainable for the planet. To live the lives we want, and not just the ones we settle for, the lives society defines as successful, we need to include the third metric."

In today's world, female actors, authors and politicians are among the busiest people in the world. How do they manage to carve some me-time out for themselves?

Take a look at their thoughts and quotes on the subject:


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