Dead Shark Found On New York Subway Carriage (PICTURES)

LOOK: Sharks On A Train! (The NYC Subway To Be Exact)

Subway commuters in New York City had the pleasure of the company of a dead shark on Wednesday.

The deceased fish was spotted lying on its back in a Queens-bound N train by tipster Mary M, who mailed images to the Gothamist.

She explained: "I board a car that's not terribly full and as soon as I enter, a stench hits my nose.

"It's not the typical urine/trash smell, it's ...fishy? I look down to the end of the car to see a dead shark on the floor.

'I think I stood there for a good minute just staring, thinking 'Is this for real'."

She added that passengers were eventually moved from the train.

A Metropolitan Transport Authority spokesman bizarrely told Huff Post: "Looks like a good promo for Shark Week on the Discovery Channel."



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