David Cameron Shows He's Just A Regular Guy On Cornish Holiday (PICTURES)

LOOK: PM Goes For A Paddle On Cornish Bucket-And-Spade Hols

He might be the Prime Minister, but you’d never know it from these snaps.

David Cameron was pictured performing the famously awkward “just wriggling into my shorts under my towel, nothing to see here” manoeuvre on a crowded Cornish beach on Thursday.

The 46-year-old seemed to have carried off the move with some aplomb, preserving his modesty with a Mickey Mouse emblazoned towel.

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David Cameron strides through the sand on Cornwall's Polzeath beach on Thursday

The PM looked a little sunburnt but otherwise in rude health

Sporting a slight sunburn (might want to put some cream on that, Dave), Cameron appeared to have albeit temporarily shrugged off his “posh boy” image as he holidayed with the proles during a bucket and spade break in Polzeath.

He might have a cabinet full of ex-Eton types, but Downing Street advisors wanting to position Dave as a man of the people couldn't have done a better job if they'd tried with these snaps.

The PM, who is famously a fan of “chillaxing”, is on his fourth vacation of the summer, after visiting Italy, Ibiza and the remote Scottish island of Jura, where he revealed a bad back had prevented him from going deerstalking (posh boy image firmly in place).

Cameron hides his modesty with a Mickey Mouse towel as he wriggles into his shorts


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