Scottish Politicians Attack 'Shameful' Immigration Posters

'Is Life Here Hard? Going Home Is Simple'

Another poster campaign encouraging asylum-seekers to return home has come under fire.

Scottish politicians have slammed the new Home Office poster campaign, that advises immigrants to "ask about going home," branding it "shameful".

The Home Office has argued it was part of a scheme to help those who cannot stay in Britain to "return home with dignity".

The posters include the slogan 'Is life here hard? Going home is simple'

One of the posters on display at the Glasgow office reads: "Is life here hard? Going home is simple".

Another shows a photograph of an aeroplane with the caption: "This plane can take you home. We can book the tickets".

Chairs in the waiting area had stickers which said: "Ask about going home".

The adverts have been on display in immigration reporting centres in Glasgow and Hounslow in west London since the end of last month and will stay until 4 October.

Positive Action in Housing, which works with asylum seekers, told the BBC the posters were "shameful and deeply offensive".

And Sandra White, the SNP MSP for Glasgow Kelvin and a member of the Scottish parliament's cross-party group on asylum seekers, said they posters were "totally inappropriate and appalling."

The posters are part of wider campaign started earlier this month in London via a fleet of ominous signboard vans sporting the much-criticised message: “In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest.”

After facing a legal challenge, the Home Office stopped the van campaign, and said they would consult with local communities before trying it again.

The controversial vans have left the streets


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