Top 10 Jobs And Careers To Make You Happy

Revealed: The Top 10 Jobs To Make You Happy
Top 10 Jobs And Careers To Make You Happy
Top 10 Jobs And Careers To Make You Happy

New figures have revealed the top 10 careers which make young people happy - with some surprising results.

A survey of more than 1,000 18 to 24-year-olds by City & Guilds, a vocational training education provider, found 63% were happy in their jobs, with those who are both academically and vocationally trained are the most happy (73%). Four fifths of young people say their happiness affects them in the work place, and getting on with colleagues (33%) and feeling appreciated (31%) are the biggest contributors to happiness at work.

The top 10 careers making young people happy:

1. Scientific Research

2. Early Years and Childcare

3. Floristry and Gardening

4. Teaching

5. IT, Data Processing and Telecoms

6. Engineering

7. Nursing

8. Marking, PR, Advertising and Communications

9. Finance and Accountancy

10. Financial Services

The survey also revealed one in five young people currently has two or more jobs, and 68% were working by the time they were 18. A further 78% feel they need job-related, vocational training to get the roles they want.

Chris Jones, CEO of City & Guilds said: "Vocational education is not a second class route for those who don’t succeed academically. In fact, our research proves that hard-working and ambitious young people are choosing vocational education as a way to achieve their dream job.

"The findings show that employers must not underestimate young people. Instead, they need to step up and support young people’s ambitions and provide opportunities for development and future career satisfaction."


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