Have you always dreamed of a career as an accountant or risk advisor but couldn't afford university? Well never fear - there's still a way of landing your perfect job, without stepping foot onto a campus.
A new film has been launched by the National Apprenticeship Service to encourage more young people to take up an apprenticeship in the professional services sector.
The film features four higher apprentices working in different roles across the sector, who share their stories about how an Apprenticeship is setting them on the way to their future career.
The four rising stars from business consultancy firm PwC, financial advisory company BDO, and accountancy firms Churchgate and McBrides, also talk about the varied job roles and opportunities available.
Employers in the professional services sector, led by PwC who developed the Higher Apprenticeships for the sector, are being encouraged to promote the film to other businesses and to young people.
In addition, the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) will use the film in resource packs for schools and at careers events across the country.
Victoria Seeley, 20, who is currently working towards a Tax Higher Apprenticeship at Churchgates in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, features in the film. She said: "Learning on the job means that the skills you learn are the perfect fit with your chosen career.
"An apprenticeship also gives you the opportunity to earn while you learn giving you financial independence while you train. There are many career paths to choose in the professional services sector and the sky's the limit in terms of where you could end up. I would definitely encourage more young people to think about doing an apprenticeship."
The other stars of the film are:
• Lizzie Eade, 24, who is working towards a Tax Higher Apprenticeship at McBrides in Sidcup, Kent
• Luke Constable, 20, from Billericay, Essex, who is working towards a Tax Higher Apprenticeship at PwC in London
• Theresa Farr, 19, who is working towards a Risk Advisory Higher Apprenticeship at BDO in London
Gaenor Bagley, Head of People at PwC, said: "Higher Apprenticeship are an excellent way for young people from all backgrounds to enter the professional services industry. Across the sector, apprentices get to work on live business assignments and study towards an industry qualification, whilst earning a competitive salary.
"The apprenticeships have been developed with employers' needs in mind and will ensure that entrants to the sector have the right skills to help our industry to flourish now and in the future."
Karen Woodward, interim national director of apprenticeships of the NAS, commented: "Building a career in the Professional Services sector can be extremely attractive, stimulating and rewarding. Whether it is in the field of consultancy, accounting, finance, or law, skilled professionals in this sector will always be in demand. The good news is that there is an increasing number of opportunities opening up as more and more employers look to attract the best talent through Apprenticeships.
"Apprenticeships in Professional Services are a great way of entering these prestigious occupations and progressing up the career ladder, with the opportunity to be employed and paid while gaining a professional qualification along the way. We hope young people will see the film and be inspired to explore what an Apprenticeship could do for them."
The professional services film is the seventh in a series of 'sector in the spotlight' films being created by the National Apprenticeship Service to promote Apprenticeships in key industry sectors.
Apprenticeships cover more than 170 skills and industries across 1,500 job roles, over an extensive range of skill levels. A higher apprenticeship in the professional services sector covers new entrant roles in a range of areas, including tax, auditing and consulting, and is at level 4 (equivalent to the first level of Higher Education).
For further information, visit apprenticeships.org.uk