Many Unaware Of Link Between Alcohol And Cancer, Says Study

Many Unaware Of Link Between Alcohol And Cancer, Says Study

Many people are unaware of the link between alcohol and cancer, a poll has found.

Some 86% of more than 2,000 people surveyed said they did not know that alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer.

More than a third (34%) had never been asked how much they drink by health professionals, 66% did not know of the link between alcohol and bowel cancer and 59% did not realise it can increase the risk of stroke.

Meanwhile, 58% of people did not know of the link between alcohol and mouth or throat cancer, although 59% knew it was associated with depression and 58% knew it had an effect on fertility.

The poll was carried out by the charity Alcohol Concern to launch its Dry January campaign.

Director of campaigns Emily Robinson said: "It's all too easy to slip into unhealthy habits and find that you're drinking alcohol at a level which can put you at risk for a range of illnesses such as cancer and stroke.

"These survey results show we are still not having the right conversation about alcohol."

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Emily adds: "Dry January is aimed at people who do not have an alcohol problem but who might be drinking a bit too much, too often.

"Having the break allows us all to think about what we're drinking, break those bad habits and in the long term cut down and improve our health."
