Ladies if you've ever found yourself coveting another woman's handbag or coo-ing over her Louboutins, you'll be pleased to know there is another Must Have Item to crave this season: the 1970s bush.
Yes, according to an intimate that investigated the underworld of women's pubes, the bald porn-star chic look is soooo last season.
More than half of women (51%) surveyed by UK Medix do not style or groom their pubic hair at all, and almost two-thirds (62%) say their partners prefer them au naturel.

Of course, the grooming habits of our fellow females shouldn't drive our own choices - Cindy From Zumba's star-shaped pubic line shouldn't make you get the stencil out any time soon - but it is important that women know they have a choice. But often they do not.
Reviving the To Shave Or Not To Shave debate is far from beating an old feminist drum - with the news that girls as young as 11 or 12 are getting Brazilian waxes, the issue remains at the heart of what it means to be a woman and needs to be discussed.
Project Bush, a photography series documenting 93 women's vaginas (hairy Marys and all), hopes to shine a light on the issue.
The project's photographer Alisa Connan explained: "The women who were photographed came in for different reasons... some were concerned about how the media portrays women in general, others were concerned about the world their daughters were growing up in. Most thought: 'This is one small thing that we can do.'"