10 Illustrations Of Notorious Baldies That Prove The Biggest Badasses Are Bald

10 Notorious Baldies That Prove The Biggest Badasses Are Bald

If you've noticed your 'do has been thinning on the sides lately, we bear good news. You may be en route to becoming a karate master, a meth kingpin or a supervillain! At least this is what we picked up from "Notorious Baldies," a delightful series by a mysterious artist who goes by the name of Mr. Peruca.

Peruca's series turns pop culture's most recognizable hairless heads into graphic illustrations, showing how a couple pins or a sideways bandana can help transform male pattern baldness into your thing. From Homer Simpson to Gollum, Peruca's baldies really show that the bald look has some serious range. So next time you notice a fading spot atop your head, toss the Rogaine and grab some face paint, or perhaps a clown wig.

Behold, 10 glorious baldies that prove all the biggest BAMFs are bald.

1. Charlie Brown

2. Darth Maul
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3. Gollum

4. Hellboy

5. Homer Simpson

6. Mr. Miyagi

7. Pinhead

8. Pennywise

9. Professor Xavier

10. Walter White


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