Police were called to a 99p shop after it suddenly halted its half-price sale, to the fury of customers.
The store in Wrexham was overwhelmed by shoppers after saying it would reduce everything to 50p because it was closing down.
But half-way through, bosses announced that a last-minute deal had been struck to keep the shop open - so everything was back up to full-price.

Police were called to the shop in Wrexham
Shoppers weren't having any of it, and refused to leave until the original deal, which was supposed to last until January 28, had been honoured.
Staff remonstrated with customers, and police were called, the Wrexham Leader reported.
Shopper Sharon Roberts told the paper: “I was in there for nearly two hours queuing to get to the till. Then the manager took the posters down from the window.
“People were absolutely furious and that’s why the police were called.
"Tempers were flaring and people were shouting. The shop finally said people could have items on a buy one get one free.”
The store later apologised for an "unfortunate misunderstanding in relation to closure sale posters that advertised products at 50p", the BBC reported.