Melissa Ede, Transgender Mars One Candidate, Joins HuffPost Live

WATCH: Meet The Woman Who May Be The First Transgender Person On Mars

Melissa Ede is a taxi driver from the United Kingdom who very well may be the first transgender individual to set foot on Mars.

Ede is one of a group of individuals who have made it past the first round in the selection process of the Mars One mission. Mars One's goal is to have a permanent human colony established on the Red Planet by 2025. The taxi driver joined HuffPost Live today to not only talk about her experiences, but the way in which she is using this visibility to benefit the LGBT community.

"I am using it currently as a platform for diversity," Ede told HuffPost Live. "It's a big part of my life -- diversity and LGBT. Why not, along the way, as far as I go, if I get to Mars show the world that diversity is there. I think it's a fantastic platform to use. My drive for Mars is real, but my drive to help diversity and people struggling with their lives is another great goal of mine."

Check out the video above to hear more from Ede about her journey to possibly becoming the first transgender person on Mars.


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