UK Weather: Spring Sunshine Makes Britain Hotter Than Mediterranean

The UK Was Hotter Than The Med This Weekend

Now, we don't want to jinx it but there are whispers abound the sun is set to stay out for all of March.

Even more tentatively, some forecasters are predicting the hottest summer ever for the UK.

On Saturday the south of England basked in glorious sunshine with temperatures reaching 19C in some parts - warmer than Greece and Turkey.

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Bookies have cut the odds of the UK seeing it's highest ever March temperature - 25.6C in Cambridge in 1968.

The north and Scotland however fared less well with cloud across much of the region.

Sunday appears to be much the same and the rest of the week should also be fine though with a slight drop in temperatures.

MeteoGroups’s, Andy Ratcliffe, told the Mirror: "It will be dry across the UK, but there could more unsettled weather towards the end of the week in the North West."

The El Nino weather pattern could play a part in the weather this summer which means warm Pacific waters rise higher than usual leading to hotter temperatures in the UK.

However, long-range weather forecasting is notoriously unpredictable but we can hope...


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