Courtney Love has joined the search for missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 and she’s shared her findings with the world.
The singer has been using crowdsourcer Tomnod, where one can theoretically help search satellite images for oil slicks, wreckage, rafts and “other” signs of the aircraft.
“I’m no expert,” she wrote on her public Facebook page, “but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick.”

Courtney Love has joined the search for missing plane MH370
She accompanied the post with an image grab on which she had helpfully added arrows pointing out what she thought she could see.
She added: “Prayers go out to the families #MH370 and its like a mile away Pulau Perak, where they 'last' tracked it.”
She lists coordinates, before adding “but what do I know?”
In less than 24 hours her "findings" had been shared almost 9,000 times, with plenty of wags weighing in to take the piss, (although Craig Hobson's comment "What are the odds thou that it would land right next to a red sign saying plane let alone next to the arrow?" is truly a peach...)
When asked if she'd found the spot herself, Love told Daily Intelligencer: "Yeah I went to the satellite site and just uploaded tons and tons of pictures. I really doubt aliens took it. It's got to be somewhere. I'm a little obsessive."
Unfortunately for Love, and all the others who honed in on the same spot, Tomnod has examined the site in question and ruled it out, stating: "sometimes our eyes see what we want them to see."
According to MarketWatch, the site has been visited by more than 3 million participants wanting to help the search and has had some 200 million map views since the plane's disappearance.
Meanwhile the search for the aircraft, with its 239 people on board, enters its second week.
The plane had been through all the normal technical checks and was safe to fly, a press conference by Malaysia’s transport minister confirmed.
Last week it was revealed that the final radio communication from the cockpit was pilot Captain Zaharie Shah telling ground control: "Alright, good night."
On Saturday, the Malaysian Prime Minister said there was conclusive evidence the plane had been sabotaged or hijacked.
On Sunday it was announced the plane's ACARS transmission system - which sends information to ground control - had been switched off, before that transmission was sent, suggesting any sabotage was already underway.
It is usually employed by military pilots for stealth flights .
This story is developing...