Robert Pattinson Birthday: Let's Celebrate With 28 Pics Of His Lovely Hair (PHOTOS)

Happy Birthday R-Patz! Let's Celebrate With 28 Pics Of His Hair
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson turns the grand old age of 28 today and what better way to commemorate this momentous occasion than with 28 pictures of the 'Twilight' star's hair, OBVIOUSLY.

Follically challenged he most certainly is not, and in his 28 short years on the planet, R-Patz has already shown us that when it comes to hair, it's aaallllll about looking like he doesn't even touch it.

Yep, it might not look like the British actor has even bothered to style his barnet most of the time but believe us, those tousled locks have been precisely coiffed to within an inch of their lives.

From his trademark just-got-out-of-bed shaggy chic style to that sexy buzzcut, there's not been a cut (yet) that he hasn't been able to pull off.

So, happy birthday Robert - and thanks for the hair.


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