John Travolta Sports The Smallest Beard In The World As He Parties With Kylie Minogue And Justin Bieber In Cannes (PICS)

Guess Who's Sprouted The Smallest Beard In The World?

Do you want to tell John Travolta that he has a little something on his chin, or shall I?

I'm still scratching my head as to why the 'Pulp Fiction' star would shave his entire face, save for a tiny little tuft of hair on his chinny-chin-chin?

John Travolta

Did he run out of shaving foam? Has he entered the 'smallest beard in the world' competition? Or did he simply think it would distract the world from his fuller-than-it-used-to-be barnet? (It did, well done).

So many questions. And here's another: why the heck didn't his wife, Kelly Preston, have a word before he left the house? Surely there can't be two people in the world who actually think this is a good look?

The 60-year-old actor debuted his new look at designer Roberto Cavalli's yacht party in Cannes where he was spotted letting his hair down (yes, he's really let it down) with the likes of Kylie Minogue and Justin Bieber.

And let's face it, even JB can grow more facial fuzz than that poor excuse for a beard, which is REALLY saying something.

Anyway John, here's a little celebrity guidance on how to grow, you know, a proper beard...


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