Five Great American Fictions You Might Not Read If Michael Gove Gets His Way

Five Great American Fictions You Might Not Read If Gove Gets His Way
Gulfiya Mukhamatdinova via Getty Images

Education secretary Michael Gove's controversial announcement American fiction is to be sidelined in the new English Literature GCSE syllabus in favour of British writers has caused some serious backlash from the public.

Social media has erupted over the past few days, defending not only J.D Salinger's To Kill A Mockingbird but a whole spectrum of American fiction.

In response to the criticism fired at Gove, he has responded in The Daily Telegraph: "I have not banned anything. Nor has anyone else. All we are doing is asking exam boards to broaden – not narrow – the books young people study for GCSE."

In light of Gove's new opinion of expansion rather than restriction, we have come up with some suggestions of our favourite American fictions from the 20th century that we feel would sit nicely on the GCSE curriculum.


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