‘Big Brother’ had its first explosive eviction on Friday night, which saw Tamara Stewart-Wood become the first housemate to leave the house after being voted out by the British public.
The businesswoman went head-to-head with her fellow contestants Jale Karaturp and Danielle McMahon after receiving five nominations, though her housemates were visibly shocked when presenter Emma Willis revealed that it was Tamara who had been sent packing.

Tamara discovers she has been evicted
During her eviction interview, Tamara revealed that she had every intention of keeping in touch with Winston Showan, who she had previously shared a steamy snog with after enjoying a romantic spaghetti dinner together.
How very ‘Lady And The Tramp’, eh?
She confessed she “definitely” wanted to go on a date with Winston in the outside world, adding: “I do have a crush on him and I miss him a lot. I'll definitely want to see him outside the house.”

Tamara says goodbye to Winston
After Tamara saw her housemates nominating her for the first time, it emerged that many of them had described her as unapproachable or difficult to talk to, which she admitted they were right about, claiming she “found them a little bit boring” and saying she felt that her special bond with housemate Helen Wood has made her “completely unapproachable”.
Tamara’s eviction continues the tradition of the first evictee being a female, which has now been the case in all fifteen of the civilian series.
Following her eviction, viewers then saw Chris Wright - who had previously been named the second ‘Power Housemate’ by the British public - make his first nomination and putting controversial dance teacher Pauline Bennett up for eviction, though the rest of the house have no idea that it's Chris who is making the nomination decisions this week.
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