‘Big Brother’ Power Housemate Chris Wright has made his fifth and final secret nomination, choosing to put Marlon Wallen up for eviction.
He will face the public vote alongside Pauline, Christopher, Steven and Ash, who were all previously nominated by Chris - though the housemates have no idea that it’s him who’s been making the decisions.

'BB' housemate Marlon Wallen
Jale is also up for eviction, having been chosen by Pauline in the first week to be up for every public vote until she eventually leaves the house.
Marlon was asleep when his fellow housemates noticed that a video screen bearing his image now had the word “nominated” written about it, meaning he was the sixth and final housemate who could potentially leave the house in Friday’s live eviction.

Chris makes his decisions in secret
He’s already rubbed some of his housemates up the wrong way, as he was heard making derogatory comments about some of the female housemates while they did a workout, as seen in Monday night’s highlights show.
He was later confronted by American model Kimberly Kisselovich, who told him straight that she didn’t like being seen by men as a “piece of meat”.
Kimberly could have been up for eviction herself as Chris was originally unsure whether or not to vote for her or Ash, ultimately choosing him after Big Brother set up a Chinese meal for the three of them to help him make his mind up.
Pauline has already left the house once this week, though unfortunately it wasn’t under great circumstances as she was rushed to hospital after burning her hand on a pan.
Find out whether it’s Ash, Christopher, Jale, Marlon Pauline or Steven who is evicted by watching the live show on Friday, 20 June on Channel 5.
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