How To Get To Sleep When You're Feeling Too Hot

How To Sleep When You're Feeling Too Hot

Hot weather is wonderful, isn't it? Right up until you go to bed and become a hot, sticky mess, unable to sleep.

You aren't alone - more than 58% of Brits say their sleep habits are affected by the weather, with 41% losing sleep due to overheating and 42% waking up in the night because of the heat.

However, with a bit of planning, you can get off to sleep. Silentnight sleep expert Dr Nerina Ramlakhan has the following advice:

“Ideally, in order for us to sleep well, there needs to be a fractional temperature difference between our body and our brain – a warm body and a cool head! When the outdoor temperature rises this becomes more difficult but there are plenty of things you can do to beat the heat."

1. Keep a plant mister containing water by your bed to spray on your face during the night.

2. Stop your bedroom over-heating during the day by keeping curtains and blinds closed.

3. Wash your feet with cold water before getting into bed, and/or run your wrists under cold water.

4. Place a wet flannel in the fridge for an hour or so before getting into bed and lay it on your forehead to help you drift off to sleep.

5. Sleep in cool wet socks or even a damp t-shirt.

6. Use a fan and place it so that it is blowing the air over a tray of ice – this will cool the room down as the ice melts.

7. Use light bed sheets and buy a special low-tog summer duvet.

8. Swap your mattress. Try a Geltex mattress which allows it to breathe a bit better and not get clogged with sweat.

9. Chill your pillow case in the freezer before getting into bed.
