Russell Brand Calls Fox News A 'Fanatical Terrorist Propagandist Organisation' Over Iraq Rant (VIDEO)

Russell Brand Calls Fox News A 'Fanatical Terrorist Propagandist Organisation'

Russell Brand has responded to Fox News legal analyst Jeanine Pirro, who delivered an unlettered rant about the Iraq War on Saturday by calling Rupert Murdoch’s network a “fanatical terrorist propagandist organization”.

Delivering his verdict via his YouTube channel, Brand took Issue with Pirro’s comment that ISIS is a “fanatical terrorist propagandist organisation”, accusing the news-entertainment channel of being exactly that.

“So is Fox News," he said. "It's a fanatical terrorist propagandist organisation."

In her diatribe, Pirro offered a method of dealing with the Jihadists group that now controls great swathes of Iraq and Syria. "Bomb them, keep bombing them, bomb them again," she squealed.

Brand responded: “F*cking hell. When they do these bombings it creates more insurgents... It creates more terrorism," before calling Pirro’s rant "evil," "incendiary," and "just volatile combative, angry language."

Brand concluded: "I’m not being just sensational. That is more dangerous than ISIS - that attitude. That’s far-reaching. That’s affecting millions and millions of people."


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