'Bubbling': The New NekNominate?

'Bubbling': The New NekNominate?

Have you heard of 'bubbling'?

If the British tabloids ever get hold of it, you definitely will. It has the potential to be the "new #neknominate" -- aka the online trend of choice for drunk idiots posting on Facebook.

That is because it is disgusting -- and people are almost certainly stupid enough to try it.

But as it turns out the whole thing was started as a joke -- and not in the way you might think.

So what is it? Well, there's no easy way to put this: "bubbling" is the act of (presumably men, physiology depending) urinating into their own mouths and taking a picture.

We told you it was disgusting.

According to a wave of recent stories, the trend "started" in Australia and now -- according to Vice at least -- is "huge". It's name derives, apparently, from the local name for water fountains, though it was also known as "gargoyling".

So is anyone really doing it? Well... just Google Image Search it. They're out there. The practice has even ended the career of one Todd Carney, an Australian Rugby League player, who gave it the old college try in a pub and was unlucky enough for someone to take a picture and upload it to the internet. He lost his $3 million contract as a result.

In an interview with Vice, one of the skaters credited with starting the idea (Troy West, aka Troy Roberts) claimed it was widespread and endemic in Aussie culture ("It's huge in Australia. It's part of our everyday life. My dad actually taught me how to do it when I was a kid").

Troy added that the act is "a pretty big statement. Try it and find the meaning yourself."

According to the Australian Telegraph, it's "popular" across Australia, and a recent piece in Mashable looks set to continue the trend's momentum.

The problem is that the trend appears to not really be a trend at all. At least not yet.

In fact it looks like the idea is a deliberate attempt to make something disgusting go viral. According to Mashable, Troy West and others first did it (or said they did) to try and make skaters think it was something all Australians did, and see if they could get them to do it too. Other skaters have told News.Com that they have "never heard" of the trend.

Either way, we're sure no one in the UK will be stupid enough to do it. Right?

Watch this space.


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