Rebecca Brown suffers from trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder that makes her pull hair from her head when she feels anxious.
For the past 6.5 years, the 21-year-old has taken a selfie every day to document her ongoing struggle in an honest and beautiful way. Her video is proof that people are more than just their health conditions.

She started the project in 2007, when she was just 14, and has taken 2,374 photos. The video, which was posted on her popular YouTube channel, has had more than 2.6 million views (and counting).
According to the NHS, trichotillomania often starts at around 11-13 years of age, and may affect up to four in 100 people. It is more common in girls.
Trichotillomania can cause negative feelings, such as guilt. You may also feel embarrassed or ashamed about pulling your hair out, and may try to deny it or cover it up. Sometimes, trichotillomania can make you feel unattractive and can lead to low self-esteem.