Sex Toy Remains Stuck In Woman's Vagina For 10 Years (PICTURE)

The Length Of Time This Woman Had A Sex Toy Stuck In Her Vagina For Will Make Your Eyes Water...

Live eels, forks and skipping ropes are just some of the stranger items which have become stuck in human orifices.

Here’s a new one to add to the mix: A sex toy.

So, it’s less than surprising that a sex toy should find its way into a human orifice.

X-rays show the location of the sex toy

But what IS surprising however, is the length of time said item spent lodged in the patient’s vagina.

Ten years.

Yep, that’s a whole decade of having a foreign object wedged up your privates.

In this case, a 38-year-old woman presented herself to hospital showing signs of infection and severe emaciation.

An examination by staff at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary revealed the five-inch long sex toy, which was pressing on her bladder.

She was found to be suffering from a rare “vesicovaginal fistula” – an abnormal tract which allows urine to flow into the vagina.

This had led to obstructive uropathy, in which the blockage in her bladder was causing urine to collect in her kidneys.

The item was surgically removed and medics, who found no previous records of such a case, reported it to the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The journal writes: “This case describes an extremely rare but potentially life-threatening case of obstructive uropathy caused by a chronically retained sex toy.”

The woman said she recalled inserting the toy ten years ago with a partner but could not remember if she had removed it or not.


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