This Anti-Feminism Campaign Is Really Sad

This Anti-Feminism Campaign Is Really Sad

A quick look at feminist issues in 2014 suggests we're starting to miss the point and for some, this has resulted in giving up on feminism all together.

Case and point? Women on social media site have been posting their reasons why they "don't need feminism."

One example reads "... because I believe in equality not entitlements," another girl puts it simply and says, "because I don't think being a woman is a disadvantage."

The fact these girls are standing up for their own beliefs is great (and is surely something any feminist would applaud) but aren't these anti-feminist messages actually quite sad?

Perhaps this is a case of misunderstanding common feminist beliefs. But if they have been made to feel like they can't relate to feminism at all, then what does it say about the current feminist wave?

Today's discussion on gender equality is becoming more and more confused - and it's a shame some feel the need to reject it completely.

Source: Elite Daily



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