There Are Now Greeting Cards For Cheating Spouses. (Yes, Really.)

There's Now A Greeting Card Service For Cheating Spouses
Illicit Encounters

If you thought romance was dead, think again. For there is now a greeting card service for adulterers and their lovers. is the brain child of Illicit Encounters, a 'dating' service that specialise in affairs.

The site, which was launched recently, offers a range of designs for both men and women - all for the bargain price of £2.50.

So far, so controversial.

One card, featuring a pin-up style pilot, read: "Come cheat with me".

While another says: "Roses are red, violets are blue, it's a good thing my wife doesn't know I'm screwing you..."

What do you think of the cards? Let us know in the comments below...
