If you thought babies had an easy life - being fed on cue, sleeping most of the day and getting carried around everywhere - think again. Because these little guys and gals need down time too.
That's why one woman has created Float Baby, a Houston-based spa for littl'uns to take a load off.

Kristi Ison, a mother, is a certified instructor of infant massage and wanted to offer a safe environment for parents and babies to grow and develop.
Parents can introduce their baby to water from as early as two weeks, after the remaining umbilical cord has gone.
According to the website, Float Baby has custom tubs with ozone-purified water, anti-microbial towels handmade in Turkey, a laundering system for swim diapers and towels that purifies without the use of detergent’s harmful chemicals, as well as a coffee bar, lactation cookies and fresh new blends of organic oils.

Unsurprising then that an hour-long session at Float Baby costs around £40.

And the spa is certianly proving popular.
"We have floated over 330 clients since opening in February, 2014, and the babies love the freedom they experience," explains Kristi.
Would you try it for your baby?