After Educating Essex and Educating Yorkshire proved to be smash hits with audiences and critics for their fly-on-the-wall look at everyday life in a UK school, the action moves to the capital for its latest series - Educating the East End.
The latest school to come under the glare of Channel 4's camera is the Frederick Bremer School, located in the north-east London borough of Walthamstow, where pupils from every background imaginable pass through the doors of the school every morning.
With some pupils facing difficult home lives as well as exam pressure and rampant teenage hormones, the teachers at the school are required to give their all to keep their students on track for success.
Despite the difficulties faced by both pupils and staff, the cameras capture a day-to-day school life which is filled with humour, warmth and occasional brutal honesty.
The heart of the Educating... series has always been the teacher-pupil relationship - who can forget the last episode of Educating Yorkshire, which had viewers bawling alongside pupils as they watched chronic stammerer Musharaf address the leavers' assembly after help from English teacher Mr Burton?
Educating the East End will surely be hoping it can find its own Musharaf and Mr Burton - and the new series definitely isn't short of interesting characters. So who are the ones to watch this time round?
Meet a few of the major players at the Frederick Bremer School...
Miss Smith and Mr Bispham

Headteacher Miss Smith has the herculean job of keeping the whole ship, along with trusty deputy Miss Hillman. Miss Smith, who is fighting to raise GCSE results at the school, looks at the series as a chance to challenge negative preconceptions about her pupils.
Despite being faced with a gaggle of Year 9 girls he describes as a 'force of nature', passionate English teacher Mr Bispham is determined to get his class engaged - even if that means he has to listen to them take the mick out of his baldness in Shakespearean English.
As the series goes on, it becomes clear that the pair are worthy of a place alongside Mr Drew and Miss Conway of Educating Essex and Mr Burton of Educating Yorkshire as a reminder of just what a force for good a positive and inspiring teacher can be.
Halil might look like butter wouldn't melt, but he can be a little devil. The 13-year-old's temper tantrums are constantly earning him reprimands, to the horror of his beloved granddad. This term may be his last chance to show he can control himself.
Despite his hair-trigger temper, he manages to charm staff and pupils with his cheeky smile and quick wits - he even corrects a member of staff's email!
Lemar is a charismatic Year 10 who is eager to dispel stereotypes of inner city youths being semi-criminal hoodies with no aspirations.
Eloquent, focused and funny, he is set on becoming a professional footballer - but his teachers must gently try to make him consider his plan B if his dreams fall through.

Tawny is a bolshy, talented and ambitious Year 9, with a place at the BRIT performing arts school in her sights. The only problem? She's competing with her best friend Alice. Unlike Lemar, however, she has her feet on the ground: if she can't make it as an actress or singer, she'll be a hairdresser.
Tawny's fiery clashes with Mr Bispham, who only recently ditched a career in politics for teaching, provide some of the series' best moments.
Educating the East End starts Thursday 4 September at 9pm on Channel 4.