Oscar Pistorius Verdict: The 6 Key Figures Who Have Shaped The Case

6 Key People Who Have Shaped The Oscar Pistorius Verdict

Oscar Pistorius will find out from 11 September whether he is guilty or not guilty of the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his home in South Africa last year.

His murder trial has been a long and dramatic case, marked by intense media attention, bungled evidence and conflicting accounts of what happened on Valentine's Day 2013.

Oscar Pistorius will discover his fate on Thursday or Friday

Pistorius denies murdering his girlfriend, and says he shot her after mistaking her for an intruder. His version of events has been pulled apart and explored by lawyers on both sides of the case, including the prosecutor Gerrie Nel, who is nicknamed 'Bulldog'.

As the verdict looms, we take a look at the key figures that have shaped the six-month trial.


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