Daughter Of Alex Salmond's Teacher Tells First Minister: 'Never Mention My Father Again'

Daughter Of Alex Salmond's Teacher Tells First Minister: 'Never Mention My Father Again'
Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond addresses an audience of international journalists exactly 17 years since the country voted Yes to devolution at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond addresses an audience of international journalists exactly 17 years since the country voted Yes to devolution at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

The daughter of one of Alex Salmond's childhood teachers has asked him to never invoke the memory of her father again, accusing the Scottish first minister of "creating divisions" across Scotland.

In a letter to Saturday's Herald, Fiona Scott said her father, the former rector of Linlithgow Academy, would be "appalled" by how the independence referendum was being conducted.

(H/t @philip129 for spotting the letter in The Herald)

"My late father was rector of Linlithgow Academy.

"He also taught Alex Salmond and other members of the Salmond family. I have heard on occasion that Mr Salmond still refers to my father's teaching and beliefs regarding education, suggesting he still holds my father in high regard.

"Dad was an honest and fair man who hated bullying and wanted the best for his pupils and his community. He hated any form of segregation or sectarianism.

"Mr Salmond has succeeded in creating divisions across Scotland that were not there before and that will still exist after the referendum, no matter which way the vote goes.

"Stories of intimidation, violence and vandalism are rife. Freedom of speech is under threat. Relationships between neighbours are now threatened if you indicate which way you are voting.

"For these reasons and many others, on behalf of my family I respectfully request that Mr Salmond never mentions my father in public again as, were he alive, he would be appalled at what is happening across our country.

"For the record, Dad always said Alex wasn't the politician in the Salmond family.

Fiona Scott."


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