The Wonders Of Honey

The Wonders Of Honey

If there's one thing to stock up on this winter, it's a jar of honey.

From soothing sore throats and coughs to promoting a healthy gut, it's a versatile remedy to a number of problems.


Susan Curtis, the natural health director at Neal's Yard Remedies, explained a few of the benefits to us.

"Although honey is made up of mostly simple sugars and water, it has many medicinal properties, including its ability to help heal skin wounds and ulcers," she said. "Its effectiveness lies in its levels of vitamins C, D, E, K and B-complex, and beta-carotene, minerals, enzymes, and essential oils. It's also a natural antibiotic and rich in antioxidants, making it effective and fighting respiratory infections.

It's worth splashing out on a good-quality variety, though.

"Choose the darkest honest you can find, as it contains more nutrients," Curtis recommends. "Unpasteurized and unfiltered honey is the most nutritious. Avoid ultra-purified honey, which has had all traces of pollen removed, and cheap fake honeys (often pale in colour) which have no medicinal benefit at all."

Honey is often a favourite ingredient in beauty products, too. From softening soaps to indulgent bath soaks, our top picks are kind to the skin and best of all, they all come with a sweet scent...


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