7 Reasons Why Ed Miliband Is On Course For Victory In 2015

7 Reasons Why Ed Is On Course For Victory In 2015
Ed Miliband, leader of Britain's opposition party, the Labour Party delivers a speech on the economy at the University of London, Friday, Jan. 17, 2014. Ed Miliband is promising a
Ed Miliband, leader of Britain's opposition party, the Labour Party delivers a speech on the economy at the University of London, Friday, Jan. 17, 2014. Ed Miliband is promising a

There are plenty of people who think Ed Miliband will not win the next general election. He's too weird and too nasal, they say. He's not prime ministerial enough, they charge.

And after forgetting to mention the deficit in his recent conference speech, Miliband has also been shaken by a steady stream of criticism over his policies - especially around his flagship mansion tax pledge.

So, can Miliband actually win come 2015? Here are seven reasons why - contrary to conventional wisdom - the Labour leader should be optimistic about his prospects for victory next May.


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