The news that the era of the "unexpected item in the bagging area" might be coming to an end made clear to us one thing above anything else: you hate self-service tills.
Whether it's the presumption that they take away jobs from human till assistants, or the mere detail that they never, never work, the self-service till is an invention that according to you, dear reader, must be uninvented immediately.
We had a quick think and came up with eight more inventions we think deserve to be uninvented. Maybe.
Take a look at the selections below, and then cast your votes in the attached poll. If there's a clear consensus we'll lead a march on Whitehall.

The Self Service Till
We're getting close to inventing this one anyway. But are you convinced it's time to end the unexpected items in bagging areas menace?
Nuclear weapons
There are obvious bad points about Nukes. But they are also apparently helping to keep us safe from asteroids. So which is it to be?
Bluetooth headsets
No one has ever, ever, managed to wear one of these without looking like a wally. So should we just get rid of them once and for all?

Voice control
"Hey Siri, can you call home for me?" ... "I'm sorry, you don't have any contacts named "Hoh Fourmee". Shall I Google that for you?" ... "No, call my home!" ... "I'm sorry, I didn't recognise Cool Mieaughm..." AND SO ON FOR EVER.
It never worked, once, not at the cinema or at home, and 'Avatar' was terrible, stop kidding yourself.

For this we turn to Leigh Clark and his Degeneration of Facebook in 10 Statuses.
Artificial intelligence
It's coming to take your job. Will you let it?
Has this ever really helped anyone? We doubt it. Let's get rid of it.