Dapper Laughs Appears In Sexist Show Advert - We're Disgusted, But Not Surprised

Is This Dapper Laughs Poster The Most Sexist Advert Ever?

Dapper Laughs, the internet personality with an outdated 'women are to be seen as objects and not heard' philosophy, won't get our nomination for man of the year any time soon.

And if there was any doubt, the final straw is his Christmas party gig poster.

The Vimeo and ITV star, who's real name is Daniel O'Reilly, appears alongside two scantily-dressed women. He gropes them both simultaneously.

Dapper Laughs has previously been criticised for trivialising rape culture as "banter".

Blogging on The Huffington Post UK, Lee Kern condemned ITV 2 for commissioning a programme with the star.

"You have basically helped create a rapist's almanac," he said. "You've made a show that contributes to a society that already doesn't treat women by default as human beings with brains and imaginations and thoughts and ideas and humour and anger and beliefs and flaws as is the birthright of men - but you have reduced them to pussy.

"In doing so you despise your mums. You despise your daughters. You despise your sisters. You despise your wives. You despise women everywhere if you have helped play a part in allowing this rat-tousled, f**k-spiv to have a platform to pump sh*t into British society."

We may not be able to impress upon Dapper Laughs the seriousness of reducing women to sex objects, but we sincerely hope people buying his tickets think twice before doing so.
