The GTA V PS3 To PS4 Comparison Video Is Incredible

GTA V's Next-Gen Comparison Video Is Incredible

GTA V for PS4 and Xbox One is now just a few days away from its UK release date and yet even now Rockstar are still managing to surprise us.

The revelation of Grand Theft Auto V getting a first-person mode was something of a shock announcement but what's remaining the most consistently shocking is just how stunning the game is set to look on next-gen.

Nothing says it louder than this comparison video which shows the PS4 version of GTA 5 against the PS3 original and the differences are well, impressive to say the least.

With increased vegetation and wildlife the wilderness now looks like a living breathing ecosystem while weather effects have been given a massive boost to the degree that one shot of the city centre looks almost photo-realistic.

GTA 5 on next-gen will also boast more radio stations, more weapons and more vehicles.


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