Jake Quickenden Strips Naked And Flashes His Bum In The Jungle Shower On 'I'm A Celebrity' (PICS)

Jake Gets Cheeky In The Jungle Shower

Jake Quickenden gave 'I'm A Celebrity' viewers a treat on Tuesday night when he stripped naked and flashed his bum in the jungle shower.


So far this series, there has been plenty of flesh-flashing from the girls including Melanie Sykes, Kendra Wilkinson and Nadia Forde, who have all had their 'Myleene moment' after stripping down to their bikinis to cool off.

Jake Quickenden gives us a cheeky flash

But Jake took it one step further and went the full monty for his shower, which will have delighted his fans and no doubt help him stay in the competition a little longer.

The 26-year-old isn't exactly shy when it comes to getting his kit off, having previously posed naked for Cosmopolitan and Attitude magazines.

Well, he certainly knows his audience.

The former 'X factor' hopeful had an eventful day in the jungle, enjoying a spot of dirty talk with ex-Playboy playmate Kendra Wilkinson while taking part in a camp challenge and later opened up about his feelings for Irish model Nadia Forde.

But Nadia wasn't having any of it, and after learning Jake has a longterm girlfriend back in Blighty told him she was a 'girl's girl' and would never go there as she doesn't 'f*** girls over'.

Nadia, we salute you.


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