Think you know your right-wing talking heads from your right-wing politicians? Take our quiz that straddles the Pond and asks: who said it - a member of Ukip or a Fox News pundit? Answers are at the bottom...
Answers: 1. Bob Beckel (Fox News) 2. Godfrey Bloom (Ukip) 3. Rush Limbaugh (Fox News) 4. Ben Carson (Fox News) 5. Stuart Wheeler (Ukip) 6. Douglas Denny (Ukip) 7. Lord Pearson (Ukip) 8. Glenn Beck (Fox News) 9. Roger Helmer (Ukip) 10. Bill O'Reilly (Fox News) 11. Dagen McDowell (Fox News) 12.Dr Julia Gasper (Ukip) 13. Godfrey Bloom (Ukip) 14. Neil Cavuto (Fox News) 15. Jan Zolyniak (Ukip) 16. Nigel Farage (Ukip) 17. Sean Hannity (Fox News) 18. Ukip manifesto 19. Megyn Kelly (Fox News) 20. Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly (Fox News)