'Celebrity Big Brother' Housemate Alexander O'Neal In Race Row Over 'Arabs' Comments

'CBB' Alexander In Hot Water Over 'Arabs' Comments

Another ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ housemate has landed themselves in hot water for comments about race, with Alexander O’Neal allegedly claiming to “dislike Arabs”, though he insisted he hates racism “more than anything”.


Alexander made his controversial statements before arriving in the ‘CBB’ house, telling The Sun that Arabs have “no respect” for black people where he comes from in Mississippi.

“We’ve got Arabs in Mississippi, I’m like ‘what the f***?’ we’re out in the country here and you’ve got Arabs running this country store.

Alexander O'Neal

“If I saw them I would probably ask them, ‘why do you hate us? What did we do to you? What the f*** did we do to you?’”

The soul legend also talked extensively about racism, claiming he hoped not to encounter it during his time in the ‘CBB’ house.

“Being born and raised in Mississippi going through civil rights, I just don’t approve of racism. If I came up against someone that didn’t feel that way in the house well then, ‘oh it’s on’.”

Alexander previously had to have a word with Ken Morley, after he used offensive language about people of African descent.

Despite getting a formal warning over his “wholly unacceptable” language, Ken continued to use disparaging terms, eventually leading to his removal from the house.


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