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Which One Of Lena Dunham's 'Girls' Are You? Find Out By Taking Our Exclusive Quiz!

QUIZ: Which One Of Lena Dunham's Girls Are You?
Presented by Sky Boxsets
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While women once asked themselves whether they were a Carrie or a Samantha, these days, it’s all about discovering which one of the women in Lena Dunham’s award-winning, critically acclaimed series 'Girls' you most relate to.

Are you channeling Hannah’s obsessive, self-absorbed quirkiness, or maybe your personality is closer to Jessa’s try-anything-once boho free-spiritedness?

Season 4 of the Emmy, Golden Globe and BAFTA-winning series landed on Sky Atlantic in January (tune in on Mondays at 10pm), so we can get our weekly fix of the four twenty-somethings navigating life, love and “wanting all the things” in New York.

Marnie, Jessa, Hannah and Shoshanna are all taking Manhattan in their unique respective fashions

We last left Hannah (Lena Dunham), Marnie (Allison Williams), Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) and Jessa (Jemima Kirke) trying to steer through the murky world of relationships, careers, family and friendships.

Jessa returned to the city after a stint in rehab, while Shoshanna tried serial dating to get over her breakup with Ray (Alex Karpovsky), who’s found a new bedmate: Marnie.

Marnie’s been pursuing her singing dream and the single life, lusting after singing partner Desi (too bad he has a girlfriend!). And Hannah, whose relationship to boyfriend Adam (Adam Driver) seems like it’s finally in a good place, is still trying to figure out how to make it work as a writer (will the prestigious Iowa writing course she landed a place on provide the answers?)

Series 1-3 of Girls available on demand now with Sky Box Sets, series 4 is airing on Sky Atlantic Mondays from 10pm. For information on all of the latest and greatest Box Sets available with Sky search ‘Sky Box Sets’

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