'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Trailer Gets The Lego Treatment (Is It Wrong That We Still Fancy Jamie Dornan?) (VIDEO)

'Fifty Shades' Gets The Lego Treatment

If you thought the acting was stiff in the ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ clips you’ve seen so far, wait until you see the Lego version.


The film’s official trailer has been given a full Lego makeover in this new shot-for-shot remake video, which is decidedly less child-friendly than it might look at first glance. Still, at least this version would be a bit more engaging for the youngsters at the mother-baby screening of 'Fifty Shades' one London cinema are holding this month...

Good grief

In fact, the hilarious clip sees two Lego figures engaging in activities we never wanted to see Lego figures doing (but at least the Indiana Jones figure’s whip has proved itself to be multi-purpose, right?)

It's official. Jamie Dornan is even hot as a Lego man

The non-Lego version of ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ hits cinemas next Friday, right in time for Valentine's Day.


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