Katie Hopkins Cries In 'Celebrity Big Brother' Diary Room After Making It To The Final

Katie Hopkins Has Emotions. Who Knew?!

Katie Hopkins broke down in tears after finding out she’d made the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ final… because she’s not used to people being nice to her.


During a private chat with Big Brother in the diary room, Katie admitted that she wasn’t comfortable with people seeing her as vulnerable, preferring for people to think she was “tough”.

Fighting back tears during Thursday night’s episode, she explained: “I haven't shared this pyjama clad person before because it's uncomfortable.

Katie Hopkins

“I'm not very good at sharing the softer side of me. If people are nice to me, I don't know how to deal with it because I'm not tough Katie.”

Not cutting herself any slack, though, she then branded the situation “really pathetic”.

Katie was reacting to comments made by last year’s ‘CBB’ winner Jim Davidson, who was giving feedback on the housemates about which of them could be finalists as part of a task.

Jim explained to the group that he thought the public had “really warmed” to Katie, predicting that her sense of humour would earn her a spot in the top two during Friday night’s live final.

She admitted: “Being told I'm liked is really hard because that's not something I do.

“I walked in here as the most hated candidate ever to walk into a Big Brother House and perhaps I might leave here not so hated and that's a peculiar idea.”

Katie is one of five housemates currently in the running to snatch the ‘CBB’ crown during Friday’s live final, which kicks off at 9pm on Channel 5.


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