Student Kate Archibald Goes Up Three Dress Sizes After Eating Thousands Of Calories In Her Sleep

Student Goes Up Three Dress Sizes After Eating Thousands Of Calories In Her Sleep
Kate Archibald
Kate Archibald

A student who was left confused after going up three dress sizes realised she was gorging on calorific food during her sleep, thanks to a rare eating disorder.

Kate Archibald, a 20-year-old Aberdeen University student, was diagnosed with nocturnal sleep eating disorder, meaning she sleep-eats during the night, waking up the next morning with no memory of her culinary expeditions.

You ate a whole wheel of cheese? Heck, I'm not even mad, that's amazing.

Archibald, who went up from a 10 to a 16 during her first year, said she had "absolutely no idea" why she was putting on weight, the Metro reported.

"And I used to get in massive rows with my flatmates about all this food that was going missing – I was adamant I hadn’t eaten anything.

"It was only when I woke up one morning surrounded by chocolate bar wrappers that I realised I must have been sleep-eating."

She added: "It isn’t really seen as an eating disorder, apparently it’s more of a parasomnia.

"Basically, my body is conditioned to be hungry in the night and want food – even if I don’t."

Nocturnal eating disorders can be the result of an underlying medical problem, such as stomach ulcers or depression, other sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, or a traumatic event.

Medication such as Topiramate can be taken to treat the disorder, as it works on the appetite centre of the brain to dull it.


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