It's a bizarre suspected love triangle involving heavily muscled and tattooed wrestlers that most of Britain has never heard of, so why is the entire world seemingly Googling Zahra Schreiber this week?
The answer: A nude photo scandal.
The players in this soap opera are as follows: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) fighter Seth Rollins, who has been hyped by American sports channels as a future world champion:

Wrestler: Seth Rollins
Zahra Schreiber, a model and also of rising wrestling fame...

Wrestler and model: Zahra Schreiber
... And Rollins’s partner Leighla Schultz (pictured below with Rollins)
Zahra Schrieber in particular has been one of the most searched names online in the past 24 hours – after nude photographs of her were leaked online – via the social media accounts of Rollins and the official WWE website (which automatically pulls from the wrestler’s feed).

Still with us? Good.
Shortly afterwards the leak, two nude images of Rollins were tweeted from Schultz's own account, captioned with the smoking gun word “Zaharah?”
The incriminating photos have now been taken down, but that hasn’t stopped the world at large sniffing excitedly at the whiff of scandal and wondering just what the hell has been going on.
Rollins for his part, has tweeted to his 766,000 followers: “I would like to apologise to all the WWE fans and my family and friends for private photographs that were distributed without my consent.”
It’s not known exactly why the nude images of Schreiber came from Rollins’s account… it’s possible he was hacked.
But in the wake of what followed, some media outlets including Deadspin and the New York Daily News have suggested Schultz posted the images in an apparent example of revenge porn after uncovering an affair between Rollins and Schreiber, before posting nude pictures of her beau from her own account.

Schultz’s twitter account was deleted temporarily (it’s back though and she still lists herself as Rollins’s girlfriend in her bio) but E!Online points out just before disappearing into the ether, Schultz posted a response to another user hinting she was behind the whole thing: “I definitely did Hahahaha.”
No word from Schreiber... but WhatCulture says the scandal is likely to have hurt her future in wrestling.
The site writes: "It wouldn't be all that surprising to see WWE souring on ever using Zahra. They can't do much to Rollins, as he's their number one heel, but a lowly talent in NXT is definitely expendable. That would be a shame, as everyone makes mistakes, but there's no denying that Zahra has indeed breached WWE's morality code. Nude photos circulating of any prospective WWE Diva is a big no-no."
The new UK revenge porn helpline can be reached on 0845 6000 459.
For confidential advice on revenge porn and other domestic abuse issues, women can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
Men can contact the Men’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0327.