Katie Price Brands Katie Hopkins A 'Disgusting Bully': 'I'd Be Ashamed If I Were Her Parents'

The Katie vs. Katie Feud Rolls On

Katie Price has launched a scathing attack on her former ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ housemate, Katie Hopkins, branding her a “disgusting bully”.


Since leaving the house earlier this month, Katie Hopkins hasn’t exactly been shy about saying she doesn’t think The Pricey was a worthy ‘CBB’ winner, and even told her in the house she thought she was boring.

The former glamour model has now had her say in an interview with ‘This Morning’, where she didn’t hold back, telling viewers: “She’s a disgusting human being. She really is.

Katie Price

“I went in the house wanting to like her because I thought I might be able to have banter with her because I thought she looked like she could be quite funny. But I did a full circle with her… I am confused as to who she is”.

“She has got this soft side, but a lot of it is the nasty side. I think she thinks that people voted for her more because they like her being a bully, so I think she’s become more of that. But if she doesn’t watch it people will turn on her… and then what has she got? If she hasn’t got the Sun column, what else does she do?

“If I was her mum and dad I’d be ashamed of her because I think her attitude is disgusting. She’s got no respect for anyone.”

Katie Hopkins

Katie went on to defend her fellow ‘CBB’ star Perez Hilton, who bore the brunt of the notorious motormouth’s jibes on a number of occasions during their time in the house.

She added: “[Katie Hopkins] ran the house. She got the ones that she knew she could get on her side basically.

“I’ve known Perez for years and he’s not like that on the outside, but what you’ve got to remember is that if you’re upset and you want to cry…and yeah, he does kick off, but he got bullied so much in there that the only way he could go was to play up.”

Even before they became housemates, the two Katies have never really seen eye-to-eye, and have come to blows on a number of occasions in public spats.

Meanwhile, Pricey isn’t the only celeb annoyed by Katie Hopkins, with Ann Nolan branding her a “vile, hard-faced, talentless failure” over comments she made about her sister, Linda.


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