SHEVA Transforms Women's Lives By Selling Tampons Online

These Women Are Changing The World With Sanitary Pads

An online tampon vendor called SHEVA is making a huge difference to the lives of young women in developing countries.

The website gives a month's supply of sanitary pads to underprivileged girls with each purchase from its store, and works to offer health education across the world.

Many women in the third world go without sanitary items, due to poverty, embarrassment, or lack of education. A recent survey by UNICEF found that 66% of girls in South East Asia didn't know anything about the menstrual cycle until their first period, and although not a developing country, another by WaterAid found that 48% of girls in Iran thought menstruation was a disease.

The lack of education means girls are forced to use dirty rags to clean themselves and often take a week out of school each month, meaning they miss out on education.

The online shop lets women (only in the USA at the moment) purchase their usual feminine hygiene products, condoms, lubricant and more, giving a young girl a month of sanitary pads with each purchase.

According to SHEVA, 33% of girls in Guatemala drop out of school when they start menstruating, and 88% of women in India can't afford sanitary items.
